VRWC Fixture - 2025 Winter Season
update 10 March 2025

The RaceWalking calendar in Australia is divided into two main
seasons, Winter and Summer.
The Winter Season occurs between April and September and
covers the Australian winter. Conditions are generally superb for road
walking with mild winter temperatures, fast courses and lots of
competition for all age groups.
The Summer Season occurs between October and March and
coincides with the long hot Australian summer. The emphasis in on track
walking and most races are over the shorter track distances. There is
also a strong walking presence in the 'Interclub' Track Competition
with all Athletics Teams fielding walkers in their regular
VRWC races are conducted in a traffic free environment on the Albert
Park Formula One Grand Prix service roads, Albert Park Reserve, Middle
Pre entry is recommended and is available via internet on VRWC webpage Pre-entering VRWC races. Entries can be taken on the day but this is not the preferred method.
We can only allocate Handicap Start Times to those walkers who have
raced over that distance or a comparable distance during the last 12
months and are financial members. Download your own copy of the fixture at VRWC fixture - winter 2025.pdf
Saturday 26th April 2025, Mentone Athletic Track
Venue: Mentone athletic Track, Dolomore Reserve, Queen Street, Mentone
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
1.30pm 10000m VRWC Championship Open Male
1.30pm 10000m VRWC Championship Open Female
1.45pm 1500m VRWC Championship Open Male
1.45pm 1500m VRWC Championship Open Female
2.00pm 3000m VRWC Championship Open Male
2.00pm 3000m VRWC Championship Open Female
2.25pm 5000m VRWC Championship Open Male
2.25pm 5000m VRWC Championship Open Female
3.00pm Presentations
Saturday 3rd May 2025, Middle Park
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
8km Points Race
2.00pm 6km Points Race Open
2.00pm 4km Points Race Open
2.15pm 2km Points Race Open
2.15pm 1km Points Race Open
Saturday 10th May 2025 [Coaching clinic], Middle Park
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
12.15pm Coaching clinic: Coaching information session coaches
12.45pm Coaching clinic: Coaching session for athletes, parents and coaches
8km Points Race
2.00pm 6km Points Race Open
2.00pm 4km Points Race Open
2.15pm 2km Points Race Open
2.15pm 1km Points Race Open
12.15pm Coaching information session is for coaches to discuss issues with coaching athletes.
Coaching clinic focuses on all walkers from little athletes and junior
athletes to master’s walkers, including parents of up and coming
athletes. Topics will be on general coach trip, planning a program and
style development.
Sunday 18th May 2025, Middle Park
AV Championship, A.V. SCHOOLS & VRWC Championships
AV Events: Pre-entry is required with the AV office
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
8.15am 30km AV Championship - Jared Tallent Trophy Open Male
8.15am 30km AV Championship Open Female
20km Non championship
9.00am 10km AV Schools Championship U20 Male/Female
8km Non championship
4km Non championship
10.00am 5km AV Schools Championship U18 Male/Female
10.10am 1km VRWC Championship U10 Male/Female
10.25am 1.5km VRWC Championship U12 Male/Female
10.40am 3km AV Schools Championship U16 Male/Female
10.40am 3km AV Schools Championship U14 Male/Female
2km Non championship
11.45am Presentations
Entries for the Canberra Carnival closeby 5pm Wednesday 21st May 2025
Late entries for the Canberra Carnival closeby 5pm Wednesday 28th May 2025
Saturday 24th May 2025, Middle Park
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
8km Points Race
2.00pm 6km Points Race Open
2.00pm 4km Points Race Open
2.15pm 2km Points Race Open
2.15pm 1km Points Race Open
Saturday 31st May 2025, Middle Park
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
2.00pm 12km Points Race Open
2.00pm 10km Points Race Open
2.00pm 5km Points Race Open
2.15pm 3km Points Race Open
2.15pm 1km Points Race Open
Sunday 8th June 2025, Canberra (Times to be confirmed)
58th Annual LBG Stromlo Carnival, Stromlo Forest Park, Canberra, ACT
8.00am 35km Robyn Whyte Classic RWA Championship & Teams Race Open Male
35km Val Chesterton Classic RWA Championship & Teams Race Open Female
35km ACT Fitness Walk (Judged contact only)
15km RWA Championship & Teams Race Open & Masters Female
15km RWA Championship & Teams Race Open & Masters Male
15km ACT Fitness Walk (Judged contact only)
9.00am 8km ACT Fitness Walk (Judged contact only)
10.30am 10km AACT Championship
U20 Male/Female
10km RWA Championship & Teams Race U20 Male/Female
10km ACT 10km non
Open (Over 19)
11.45am Presentation for events 1-10
12.15pm 1km RWA Championship
U10 Male/Female
12.25pm 2km RWA Championship & Teams Race U12 Male
12.45pm 2km RWA Championship & Teams Race U12 Female
1.05pm 2km RWA Championship & Teams Race U14 Male
1.25pm 2km RWA Championship & Teams Race U14 Female
1.45pm 3km RWA Championship & Teams Race U16 Male
2.10pm 3km RWA Championship & Teams Race U16 Female
2.40pm 5km RWA Championship & Teams Race U18 Male/Female
3.10pm 5km RWA Championship & Teams Race Open Male/Female
3.10pm 5km RWA Championship Masters Male/Female
4.00pm Presentation for events 11-22
- Events
1, 4, 5, 8, and 11 to 22 inclusive are Race Walking Australia
individual and team events. Events 4, 5, 21, 22 incorporate a Race
Walking Australia Masters individual competition.
- Minimum age for participants in the 15 and 35 kilometre events is 16 years.
- Age
for all Race Walking Australia events is age-on-the-day, and for World
Athletics Recognition Un 20 walkers, must be born in 2005 or later.
- If an event is held concurrently, athletes may enter only one race.
Saturday 14th June 2025, Middle Park
AV Events: Online entry via the AV office
LA Vic Events: Online is required for LA Vic races with the LA Vic office
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
Coaching clinic: Coaching information
session coaches: the session is for coaches to discuss issues with
coaching athletes. (30 min)
Judging clinic: session for those who would like to begin
judging racewalking. (45min)
Coaching clinic: Coaching session for athletes: how
to racewalk, understanding judges and the warnings given. (45 min)
12.00pm 10km AV Championship Open, 40+, 50+ Male
Winner of the
Open Male’s event is awarded the C.H. [Bert] Gardiner Medal
12.00pm 10km AV Championship Open, 40+, 50+ Female
There will be a cut off time of 70 minutes for the 10km event12.10pm
4km Non-points race
1.40pm 1km
Non-points race
1.15pm AV 10km Championships presentation
1.30pm 3km LA Vic Championship U17 Male/Female
1.30pm 3km LA Vic Championship U16 Male/Female
1.50pm 3km LA Vic Championship U15 Male/Female
2.15pm 2km LA Vic Championship U14 Male/Female
2.35pm 2km LA Vic Championship U13 Male/Female
2.55pm 2km LA Vic Championship U12 Male/Female
3.15pm 1.5km LA Vic Championship U11 Male/Female
3.30pm 1.5km LA Vic Championship U10 Male/Female
3.45pm 1km LA Vic Championship U9 Male/Female
Presentations for all LAVic Events will be held shortly after
their race finishes
Saturday 21st June 2025, Middle Park
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
12km Points Race
2.00pm 10km Points Race Open
2.00pm 5km Points Race Open
2.15pm 3km Points Race Open
2.15pm 1km Points Race Open
Saturday 28th June 2025, Middle Park
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
Prizes for all winners of each race who gets closest to their race time.
2.00pm 8km Guess your finish time & Points Race Open
2.00pm 6km Guess your finish time & Points Race Open
2.00pm 4km Guess your finish time & Points Race Open
2.15pm 2km Guess your finish time & Points Race Open
2.15pm 1km Guess your finish time & Points Race Open
entering the race, tell the race secretary the time you will
walk. The results on the day will be determined by closest to
predicted time. No watches to be worn.
Sunday 6th July 2025, Middle Park
AV, VMA & VRWC Championships
AV Events: Online entry is required for AV races with the AV office.
VMA & VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
8.30am 20km AV Championship Open Male/Female
8.30am 20km Ray Smith Trophy VRWC Championship Open Male
8.30am 20km Elsie Jacobson Trophy VRWC Championship Open Female
8.30am 20km VMA Championships: Age groups Masters Male/Female
8.30am 20km VRWC Championship Masters Male/Female
20km Non championship event
8.40am 10km AV Championship U20 Male/Female
8.40am 10km AV Championship U18 Male/Female
8.40am 10km VRWC Championship U20 Male/Female
8.40am 10km VRWC Championship U18 Male
9.15am 5km AV Championship U18 Female
9.15am 5km AV Championship U16 Male/Female
9.15am 5km VRWC Championship U18 Female
9.15am 5km VRWC Championship U16 Male/Female
5km Non championship event
9.55am 3km AV Championship U14 Male/Female
9.55am 3km VRWC Championship U14 Male/Female
10.30am 1.5km VRWC Championship U10 Male/Female
10.45am 2km VRWC Championship U12 Male/Female
2km Non championship event
11.00am BBQ lunch
11.30am Medal presentations
Saturday 12th July 2025, Middle Park
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
2.00pm Intervals Race – 4km, 6km, 8km or 10km Open
In the Intervals Race, walkers choose to walk either 4km, 6km, 8km or 10km in 2km intervals.
walk in this event, you must be able to complete each leg in less than
17 minutes. If, for example, you walk 11.30min for the 1st leg, you
have 5.30min rest before starting the next leg. If a walker fails to
finish any leg in the allowable 17 minutes, he/she will not be allowed
to continue in the next leg. The start times for the 2km legs are as
Start time 2x2km Race
Legs 3x2km Race Legs 4x2km Race
Legs 5x2km Race Legs
2 2
4 4
Saturday 19th July 2025, Middle Park
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
12.45pm Coaching session: Coaching session for athletes, parents and coaches
12km Points Race
2.00pm 10km Points Race Open
2.00pm 5km Points Race Open
2.15pm 3km Points Race Open
2.15pm 1km Points Race Open
clinic beginning at 12.45pm-1.30pm, Focus is on all walkers from little
athletes and junior athletes to master’s walkers, including parents of
up and coming athletes.
Saturday 26th July 2025, Middle Park
Racewalking Australia Postal Challenge event
VMA, RWA & VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
2.00pm 10km VMA Championship Masters Male
2.00pm 10km VMA Championship Masters Female
2.00pm 10km RWA Challenge Open Male/Female
2.00pm 10km RWA Challenge Masters Male/Female
2.00pm 10km RWA Challenge U20 Male/Female
2.00pm 10km Points race Open
2.00pm 8km RWA Challenge U18 Male/Female
2.00pm 8km Points race Open
2.15pm 5km RWA Challenge U16 Male/Female
2.15pm 5km Points race Open
2.15pm 3km RWA Challenge U14 Male/Female
2.15pm 3km Points race Open
2.45pm 2km RWA Challenge U12 Male/Female
2.45pm 2km Points race Open
2.45pm 1.5km RWA Challenge U10 Male/Female
2.45pm 1.5km Points race Open
Racewalking Australia Challenge is a Racewalking Australia club versus
club competition. The points from the fastest competitor from each club
in each race will be added and the club with the lowest points declared
the winner. If a club fails to have a competitor finish in any
category, that club will be awarded the same points as the highest
scoring competitor. Master athletes will not be scored on their time
but their age grading so all Master athletes must submit their age at
entry time.
All athletes who are members of the club are automatically entered into the points race for the distance they walk.
Saturday 2nd August 2025, Middle Park
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
2.00pm 8km Points Race Open
2.00pm 6km Points Race Open
2.00pm 4km Points Race Open
2.15pm 2km Points Race Open
2.15pm 1km Points Race Open
Saturday 9th August 2025, Middle Park
AV Events: Online entry with the AV office
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
1.00pm 15km AV Championship Open Male/Female
1.00pm 10km Alf Robinson Trophy VRWC Championship Open Male
1.00pm 10km Mabel Robinson Trophy VRWC Championship Open Female
2.00pm 5km VRWC Championship Masters Male/Female
2.00pm 5km VRWC Championship U20 Male/Female
2.00pm 5km VRWC Championship U18 Male/Female
2.00pm 3km VRWC Championship U16 Male/Female
2.00pm 3km Non championship Open
2.25pm 2.5km VRWC Championship U14 Male/Female
2.25pm 2.5km VRWC Championship U12 Male/Female
2.45pm 2km VRWC Championship U10 Male/Female
2.45pm 2km Non championship Open
Saturday 16th August 2025, Middle Park
This is the last points race of the season
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
8km Points Race
2:00pm 6km Points Race Open
2:00pm 4km Points Race Open
2.15pm 2km Points Race Open
2.15pm 1km Points Race Open
Sunday 24th August 2025, Victoria Park, Ballarat
2025 Australian Junior Road Race Walking Championships: 8.00am to 10.00am
TBA 10km AA Championship U20 Male/Female
TBA 5km AA Championship U18 Male/Female
TBA 5km AA Championship U16 Male/Female
TBA 3km AA Championship U14 Male/Female
TBA 2km AA Championship U12 Male/Female
Saturday 30th August 2025, Middle Park
VRWC Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
8km Race
2:00pm 6km Race Open
2:00pm 4km Race Open
2.15pm 2km Race Open
2.15pm 1km Race Open
Entries for the relay events on 7th September close August 30th.
Relay rules:
• Teams will be picked by the handicapper randomly.
• Teams will start on their combined handicap time
• Entries for the event close Saturday 24th August
• Teams will have a maximum of 5 walkers
• Teams will race legs in the following order: 2km, 1km, 3km, 1km, 2km.
• Athletes may nominate for up to two leg of their teams race.
Saturday 6th September 2025, Mentone
VRWC & VMA Events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6pm
1.00pm 2 hour Open
1.00pm 1 hour
1.00pm 10,000m
1.30pm 1500m Open
1.50pm 3000m Open
2.20pm AV 5000m Teams Championship Open Male/Female
2.20pm VMA 5000m Championship Masters Male/Female
Rules for AV Teams Championships:
- A
Male Team will consist of 3 or more male walkers currently registered
with the same AV Club or Country Region. A Female Team will consist of
3 or more female walkers currently registered with the same AV Club or
Country Region. Mixed teams are not possible.
- The first 3 walkers to finish will be designated as the first finishing team for that club.
- The next 3 walkers to finish for that club will be designated as their second team and so on.
- All
team members must be aged 12 years or older on the day. Scoring of
Teams Points will be in line with the AV Cross Country scoring system.
- All entries must be completed on Athletics Victoria entry portal.
Sunday 14th September 2025, Middle Park
VRWC Relay events: Online entries close by Saturday 24th August
VRWC non relay events: Online entries are accepted until Friday 6.00pm
11.00am Relay
event ( teams of 5 walkers)
11.20am 4km
11.20am 1km
12.15pm BBQ lunch
12.30pm VRWC Winter Season presentations
Relay rules:
• Teams will be picked by the handicapper randomly.
• Teams will start on their combined handicap time
• Entries for the event close Sunday 13th August
• Teams will have a maximum of 5 walkers
• Teams will race legs in the following order: 2km, 1km, 3km, 1km, 2km
• Athletes may walk two legs on the day but must have a break between their legs.
• Athletes who are disqualified, their team’s penalty will be to have 30 seconds added
Date TBD, Venue TBD
AMA 20km Championships
TBA 20km AMA Championship Masters Male
TBA 20km AMA Championship Masters Female