VRWC Results - Summer Season 2015/2016

The Summer Season occurs between October and March and coincides
with the long hot Australian summer. The emphasis in on track walking
and most races are over the shorter track distances. There is also a
strong walking presence in the 'Interclub' Track Competition with all
Athletics Teams fielding walkers in their regular competitions.
For this reason, VRWC only holds a small number of events during this period.
saw a good turnout for the annual Athletics Victoria 5km Roadwalk Teams
Championships at Middle Park last Sunday morning with 41 walkers in
action. The sun was out early and conditions were trying but times were
still good.
Overall wins went to juniors Emmet Brasier (22:11) and Rebecca
Henderson (26:00) while the teams titles went to Collingwood (Adam
Garganis, Stuart Kollmorgen and David Smyth) and Ballarat YCW (Jemma
Peart, Alanna Peart and Sarah Brennan).
AV 5km Teams Championship, Men
1. Emmet Brasier Diamond Valley AC 22:11
2. Adam Garganis Collingwood HAC 22:21
3. Stuart Kollmorgen Collingwood HAC 23:41
4. Kyle Bird Mornington Peninsula 24:21
5. Reese Walmsley Knox
6. Corey Dickson
Knox AC
7. Aaron McDonough Preston
AC 26:14
8. Hayden Walmsley Knox
9. David Smyth
HAC 27:38
10. Jordan Galbraith Diamond Valley AC 28:09
11. Patrick Clarke Diamond Valley AC 30:04
12. Bernie Keirl Diamond Valley AC 31:52
13. Bob Gardiner Collingwood HAC 33:52
Teams Results
1. Collingwood HAC 18 Adam Garganis, Stuart Kollmorgen, David Smyth
2. Knox AC
15 Reese
Walmsley, Corey Dickson, Hayden Walmsley
3. Diamond Valley AC 13 Emmet Brasier, Jordan Galbraith, Patrick Clark
AV 5km Teams Championship, Women
1. Rebecca Henderson Casey Cardinia Aths 26:00
2. Jemma Peart
Ballarat YCW
HAC 27:04
3. Amanda Heard
Eaglehawk AC
4. Alanna Peart
Ballarat YCW
5. Sarah Brennan
Ballarat YCW 28:00
6. Heather Carr
Glenhuntly AC
7. Gwen Steed
AC 34:27
8. Samantha Miller Glenhuntly AC 35:18
9. Sandra Howorth
Glenhuntly AC 35:58
Mackayla Davison
Corio AC
Teams Results
1. Ballarat YCW 16 Jemma Peart, Alanna Peart, Sarah Brennan
2. Glenhuntly AC 6 Heather Carr, Gwen Steed, Samantha Miller
A number of VRWC races were on offer to round out the morning and it
was NZ internationals Quentin Rew and Alana Barber who showed their
class out front. Quentin walked through the 20km in 1:30:57 as part of
a 30km training walk (done in 2:16:10) while Alana was doing a 2km hard
/ 1km recovery session but still managed a very respectable
1:40:12. Emmet Brasier continued on after his 5km AV win and
recorded a good 45:59 for the 10km. We also welcomed Qld walker Luke
McCutcheon who recorded a 44 sec PB of 47:48. It was also great to see
Natalie Laurie back on the road and looking serious (57:28). Kyle Swan
(22:41) and Jemima Montag (24:08) were the best of the 5km walkers
while we welcomed back Nick Mirarchi (18:35 for 3km) for his first walk
with us for a number of years.
20km Open Walk
1. Quentin Rew 1:30:57 30km in 2:16:10
2. Alana Barber 1:40:12
10km Open Walk
1. Emmet Brasier 45:59
2. Luke McCutcheon 47:48 PB 0:44
3. Natalie Laurie 57:28
4. Donna-Marie Elms 1:0:10
Megan Szirom DNF
5km Open Walk
1. Kyle Swan 22:41
2. Jemima Montag 24:08
3. Philippa Huse 27:19
4. Will Thompson 28:55
5. Tim Erickson 30:18
6. Robyn Shaw 35:32
7. David Moore 41:04
3km Open Walk
1. Ralph Bennett 18:02
2. Kirstin Shaw 18:33
3. Nicholas Mirarchi 18:35
2km Open Walk
1. Merilyn Thompson 15:15
2. Pam Mews 21:50
Thanks as always to the many officials, helpers and judges who keep the
show on the road every week Apologies if I have missed anyone.
Officials: Mark Donahoo, Ralph Bennett, Damien Elms, Tim Erickson, Ian Laurie, Marlaine Stanway
Judges: Suzanne Callaway
(Chief), Peter Vysma, Stuart Cooper, Gordon Loughnan, Diane Lowden,
Kathleen Marsh, Terry Swan, Michael Bodey (DQ Board)
Canteen: Kate Suich, Wendy Cooper
Photos: Simon Baker
VRWC summer season continued today with road races at our headquarters
at Middle Park. While only 27 walkers were in attendance, they had
perfect conditions early on before the heat and wind came up and tested
the walkers in the shorter events.
Kelly Ruddick was the only starter in the 20km but she decided to call
it quits after 10km, done in a quick 47:30. Stuart Kollmorgen went with
her early, then held on well for 49:55. Jason Kozica 23:46 and
Tayla-Paige Billington 24:33 produced good 5km times while Corey
Dickson was fastest over 3km with 15:39. It was good to see Jemma,
Alanna and Scott Peart down from Ballarat and all walking good times.
We are back at Middle Park in 3 weeks time (Sunday 7th February) for
our final road races for the summer.
20km Open
Kelly Ruddick
DNF 10km in 47:30
10km Open
1. Stuart Kollmorgen M 49:55
2. David Smyth M 57:11
3. Tim Erickson M 1:01:15
4. Wendy Muldoon F 1:02:14
5. Ralph Bennett M 1:02:19
6. Pam Tindal F 1:03:23
7. carolyn Rosenbrock F 1:03:24
8. Donna-Marie Elms F 1:10:26
Paul Moritz
DNF 3km in 21:01
5km Open
1. Jason Kozica M 23:46
2. Tayla-Paige Billington F 24:33
3. James Christmass M 26:25
4. Simone McInnes F 27:07
5. Jemma Peart F 27:56
6. Ian Beaumont M 43:10
7. Margaret Beaumont F 44:38
Robyn Shaw
DNF 2km in 14:11
3km Open
1. Corey Dickson M 15:39
2. Alanna Peart F 16:47
3. Kathleen O'Mahony F 17:52
4. Charlotte Hay F 18:20
5. Ruby Paten F 18:27
6. Kirstin Shaw F 21:46
7. Angus Hay M 22:23
2km Open
1. Pam Mews
F 24:45
1km Open
1. Scott Peart M 07:22
Thank as always to our officials and judges. Sorry if I missed anyone.
Officials: Mark Donahoo, Ralph Bennett, Mark O'Mahony, Don McLaren, Stacey McLaren, Peter Vysma
Judges: Terry Swan (Chief),
Diane Lowden, Judy Mason, Stuart Cooper, Lloyd Nichols, Gordon
Loughnan, Brenda Felton, Suzanne Callaway
VRWC summer championships were held last Sunday at our headquarters in
Melbourne in perfect spring weather – sunny but cool with a slight
breeze. The numbers were a bit disappointing (only 29 walkers) but
there are so many conflicting racing opportunities for our Victorian
walkers and we do struggle a bit in the summer to gain the same sort of
critical mass which we see in our winter races.
Our 20km races got underway first at 8:30AM, with Chris Erickson and
Quentin Rew arriving just before the start time, midway through a long
40km training session, to toe the line and walk the second half of
their designated training session as part of the race. And they walked
pretty impressively and finished seemingly fresh after their big day's
workout. We were wondering who would cross the finish line first and
hence win the club championship but we left it with the boys to decide
for themselves. With Quentin crossing a tad behind Chris (both with the
same time of 1:35:42), the overall club championship title went to
Chris (his third win after previous victories in 2008 and 2012).
Alana Barber was the other standout in the 20km, her time of 1:37:13
even more impressive when you realise that she walked it as an
intervals training session with 2km hard / 1km float for the full 20km.
Bad luck to Sydney walker Nicole Fagan who was on track for a good time
when she stopped at the 14km mark.
20km Open Men Club Championship - Gus Theobold Memorial Trophy
1. Erickson, Chris 1:35:42
2. Rew, Quentin 1:35:42
3. Kozica, Jason 1:47:28
4. Jamieson, Andrew 1:49:44
5. Christmass, James 1:56:14
20km Open
1. Barber, Alana 1:37:13
2. Howorth, Sandra 2:32:19
Fagan, Nicole (NSW) DNF
The 10km walks, which started at 9:30AM, saw a huge walk by 17 year old
Jemima Montag, her time of 48:01 well under the AA standard for the
2016 World Juniors Championships. I think that will be the first of a
number of qualifiers for her. Kyle Swan also walked fast but easily for
his 47:12. Further down the field, Carolyn Rosenbrock won our Masters
Women 10km championship with 1:01:38, finishing just over a minute
ahead of Heather Carr (1:02:54), after whom the perpetual trophy is
named. And finally, we were very pleased to welcome French walker and
Heel & Toe newsletter correspondent Emmanuel Tardi (1:13:19) who
was in Victoria for a few days on his way home from New Zealand.
10km Masters Women Club Championship - Heather Carr Trophy
1. Rosenbrock, Carolyn 1:01:39
2. Carr, Heather 1:02:54
10km Open
1. Swan, Kyle 47:12
2. Montag, Jemima
48:01 2016 World Junior Qualifying Time
3. Smyth, David 56:16
4. Tardi, Emanuel 1:13:19
Dickenson, Russ DNF
Our shorter distance races kicked off at 10:30AM, with club
championship wins going to Tayla-Paige Billington (24:40), Reese
Walmsley (24:45), Ruby Paten (17:40), Hayden Walmsley (15:13), Angus
Hay (9:19) and Charlotte Hay (8:17).
5km U20 Club Championships
1. Paige-Billington, Tayla 24:40
1. Walmsley, Reese 24:45
5km Open
1. Dickson, Corey 26:04
2. Erickson, Tim 29:16
3km U15 Club Championships
1. Paten, Ruby 17:40
1. Walmsley, Hayden 15:13
3km Open
1. Elms, Donna-Marie 18:26
2. Doran, Anthony 21:15
3. Johnson, Celia 21:56
4. Beaumont, Ian 25:18
5. Beaumont, Margaret 25:38
Mews, Pam
1.5km U12 Club Championships
1. Hay, Angus 9:19
1. Hay, Charlotte 8:17
Thanks as always to our officials, canteen helpers and judges, without whom we could't function.
Officials: Tim Erickson, Mark Donahoo, Harry Summers, Damien Elms, Ralph Bennett, Terry Swan
Judges: Peter Vysma (chief), Gordon Loughnan, Lloyd Nichols, Diane Lowden, Stuart Cooper
Canteen: Kate Suich, Wendy Cooper
Photos: Terry Swan (see http://www.vrwc.org.au/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=61).
sky clouded over and the temperature dropped just in time for our VRWC
track races last Wednesday evening at Clifton Hill. Although the
turnout was only small, the racing was keenly contested, with best
performances going to Simone McInnes (a big 1500m PB of 6:53.15), Eliza
Clarke (13:53), and James Christmass (24:43).
10,000m Walk
E1. Swan, Kyle M 49:56
E1. Kozica, Jason M 49:56
5000m Walk
1. Christmass, James M 24:43
2. Smyth, David M 27:36
3. Noonan, Emily F 30:16
Walmsley, Reese M DNF
3000m Walk
1. Clarke, Eliza F 13:53
2. Dickson, Corey M 15:41
3. Walmsley, Hayden M 16:05
4. Noonan, Claire F 18:48
5. Shaw, Robyn F 19:10
6. Gardiner, Bob M 19:46
Dickenson, Russ M DNF
1500m Walk
1. McInnes, Simone F 6:53.15 PB
2. Dynes, William M 8:01
3. Holmes, Charlotte F 8:25
4. Elms, Donna F 8:28
5. Holmes, Molly F 9:21
6. Dickson, Charlee F 9:23
7. Morris, Paul M 9:31
Thanks to our officials and judges, without whom we would not have any races at all.
Officials: Tim Erickson, Harry
Summers, Jason Elms, Damien Elms
Judges: Judy Mason (chief),
Stuart Cooper, Michael Bodey, Peter Vysma, Terry Swan
Water Station: Alan Walmsley
Photos: Terry Swan
Thanks to Terry Swan for his usual photo gallery at http://www.vrwc.org.au/coppermine/. Our next VRWC races will be our Summer roadwalk championships at Middle Park on Sunday 29th November.
VRWC Summer Season kicked off on Sunday morning with road walks at our
headquarters at Middle Park. Due to an unexpected event near our racing
course, we could no use our full 2km loop so had to restrict walkers to
the bottom 1km section of the course – still flat and traffic free but
with a few more turns overall. Conditions were good early on but the
wind picked up during the morning so the later events were a bit
tougher for walkers.
Although we only had 22 walkers in attendance, the list included
internationals Rhydian Cowley, Chris Erickson and Quentin Rew who
strolled the 20km event as part of their long Sunday morning training
session – a nice easy 1:39:19! Internationals Kelly Ruddick, Kyle Swan
and Jemima Montag were also racing in shorter distance events to round
out a pretty elite mix of entrants. Most of those in action had walked
the day before in the AV Shield comps. Jason Kozica, Andrew Jamieson
and Danny Hawksworth also finished the 20km distance in what were good
efforts. Adam Garganis clocked in with 1:15:11 for 15km while Kelly
Ruddick 48:19 and Kyle Swan 49:44 were the fastest over 10km.
VRWC 20km
E1. Rhydian Cowley 1:39:19
E1. Chris Erickson 1:39:19
E1. Quentin Rew 1:39:19
4. Jason Kozica 1:48:57
5. Andrew Jamieson 1:49:38
6. Danny Hawksworth 1:55:46
VRWC 15km
1. Adam Garganis 1:15:11
Jemima Montag DNF
VRWC 10km
1. Kelly Ruddick 48:19
2. Kyle Swan 49:44
3. James Christmass 55:00
4. Simon Evans 57:07
5. David Smyth 58:46
6. Heather Carr 1:04:22
VRWC 5km
1. Reese Walmsley 26:36
2. Philippa Huse 27:32
3. Hayden Walmsley 28:47
4. Donna Elms 32:11
5. Anthony Doran 37:30
VRWC 3km
1. Charlotte Hay 17:30
2. Margaret Beaumont 26:16
3. Ian Beaumont 26:29
Terry Swan has posted photos from the meet – http://www.vrwc.org.au/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=58. Thanks Terry!