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VRWC Results Summer 2010-2011


The Summer Season occurs between October and March and coincides with the long hot Australian summer. The emphasis in on track walking and most races are over the shorter track distances. There is also a strong walking presence in the 'Interclub' Track Competition with all Athletics Teams fielding walkers in their regular competitions.

For this reason, VRWC only holds a small number of events during this period.


Sunday 18th march 2012 saw the last VRWC 2011/2012 summer races and we combined with the Victorian Masters Association at the Mentone track for their annual 5000m track championships. With 43 walkers in all, it was a successful meet and bigger numerically than in the last few years. The women hit the track first and it was Kelly Ruddick who led the whole way for a fine time of 23:08. Kelly was also the best from a Masters Percentage factor, her performance being ranked at 87.62%. Gwen Steed, Liz Feldman, Marlene Gourlay and Alison Thompson were also above the 80% mark with their walks.

VMA 5000m Championship Women
1  W30  Wallace, Anna          30:00    65.94%
1  W35  Ruddick, Kelly         23:08    87.62%
1  W50  Elms, Donna            32:24    68.86%
1  W59  Thompson Alison        30:13    80.85%
1  W60  Gourlay, Marlene       30:03    82.24%
2  W60  Feldman, Liz           31:08    82.27%
3  W60  Johnson, Celia         33:53    76.56%
1  W65  Steed, Gwen            33:20    83.29%
1  W70  Machin, Sylvia         35:40   
2  W70  Beaumont, Margaret     41:20    71.42%
3  W70  Hugo, Beverly          41:59   
1  W75  Mews, Pam              51:33    61.32%
1  W80  Browning, Betty        46:38   

The Masters men were next off and the pace was on from the start with former international Paul van Kopplen winning as he liked in 22:33. Further back, M65 maestro Andrew Jamieson was battling it out with another former international in Mark Thomas and it was Andrew who eventually got the upper hand, finishing with 24:18.06 ahead of Mark with 24:30. Andrew's time provided the highlight of the meet, cutting nearly 30 secs off the M65 World Record he set only a week before at the Victorian Open Championships. It was a truly awesome performance and omens well for the forthcoming winter season. Ralph Bennett was another to walk excellently with his 27:58 M70 performance rating at 89.56%.

VMA 5000m Championship Men
1  M35  Patterson, Adam         29:31    63.57%
2  M35  Thillaiundaran, Anand   30:31    60.28%
1  M40  Van Kopplen, Paul       22:33    86.55%
2  M40  Seid-Christmass, James  25:06    77.75%
1  M45  Thomas, Mark            24:30    82.99%
1  M50  Evans, Simon            24:57    82.88%
1  M55  Riddoch, Clyde          27:59    78.63%
2  M55  Reid, Ross              28:33    76.35%
3  M55  Skrucany, Rudolf        32:36    66.25%
1  M60  Gray, Michael           30:48   
2  M60  Barrow, Geoff           32:49    70.48%
1  M65  Jamieson, Andrew        24:18.06    97.31%    M65 World Record
1  M70  Bennett, Ralph          27:58    89.56%
2  M70  Wicks, Barrie           37:39    67.35%
1  M75  Summers, Harry          35:12    77.01%
2  M75  Silcock-Delaney, Colin  39:13    72.23%

The next race on offer was a VRWC club event with 5000m or 3000m on offer and Simon Evans, Rudolf Skrucany, James Seid-Christmass and Anna Wallace were back in action along with Kyle Swan and Gordon Onley.

VRWC 5000m Walk
1.  Evans, Simon             26:53
2.  Skrucany, Rudolf         34:35

VRWC 3000m Walk
1.  Swan, Kyle               15:33
E2. Seid-Christmass, James   17:25
E2. Anna Wallace             17:25
    Onley, Gordon            DQ

With the Victorian Little Athletics T&F Finals to be held next week in Melbourne, a number of our younger walkers were after a final 1500m hitout and there were quite a few PBs amongst the finishers in our last race for the morning. Josh Kaiser, fresh from his bronze medal in the Victorian Open 5000m last week, led the way from his much youngster co-competitors and was rewarded with his own PB of 6:27. We also welcomed first time VRWC walkers in Jack Stone and Francesca Vile.

VRWC 1500m Walk
1.  Kaiser, Josh             06:27
2.  Guy Rachael              07:29
3.  Burren, James            07:36
4.  Kay, Shelby              07:37
5.  Swan, Emily              07:51
6.  McNicol-Davidson, Chloe  07:53
7.  Huse, Phillipa           07:58
8.  Stone, Jack              08:26
9.  McNicol-Davidson, Cody   08:53
10. Miller, Tegan            09:00
11. Vile, Francesca          09:32
12. Xuereb, Tara             09:41

Officials: Tim Erickson, Damien Elms, Marlaine Stanway, Alan Lucas
Judges: Peter Vysma (chief), Stuart Cooper, Terry Swan, David Cash, Lloyd Nichols
Photographer: Kelly Davidson


We had a great turnout for our track races at Clifton Hill last Wednesday and it was a case of standing room only what with over 50 walkers racing, the Fitzroy Football Club training in the infield, the local triathlon club in the outer lanes, judo training in the clubrooms and a large number of walks families and spectators trackside. This, combined with the good weather, ensured great walking and some real milestones.      

The 5000m saw Nathan Brill record a 29 sec PB to actually better Jared Tallent's Victorian U16 State record by 11 seconds. Unfortunately, we had not been forwarned so the required 3 watches were not in place. However, I expect Nathan to reproduce this time in either the Sydney Grand Prix 5000m or the Victorian U20 5000m walk championship in the near future. It has been accepted as a new club record. Mark Donahoo was also in great form with 23:57 as was Michelle Laufer who just gets better with every race, this time recording 25:50.

5000m Walk, 6:30PM
1.  Brill, Nathan           M    21:06.3  New VRWC U16 Record
2.  Donahoo, Mark           M    23:57
3.  Simpson, Brad           M    25:15
4.  McDonough, Aaron        M    25:29
5.  Seid-Christmass, James  M    25:44
6.  Laufer, Michelle        F    25:50    PB 1:03
7.  Shaw, Kirstin           F    28:11
8.  Dickenson, Russ         M    28:54
9.  Elms, Donna             F    30:58
10. Shaw, Robyn             F    31:06
11. Gardiner, Bob           M    31:18
12. Skrucany, Rudolf        M    34:34
    Alexander, Beth         F    DNF
    Evans, Simon            M    DNF

The highlight of the 3000m was the huge walk by Jemima Montag. Two weeks ago she walked 14:04 to better the Victorian U14 and U15 records but the required watches were not in place. This time around, we made sure all was done to the rulebook and we are hopeful that this time her 14:07.8 will be accepted as new U14 and U15 State records. Amy Burren was also in great form ahead of Hobart with a 21 sec PB time of 13:57. To add to the excitement, Kyle Swan bettered his VRWC U13 club record with 14:38 and Caitlin Campbell and Jasmine Irshad both did PBs.

3000m Walk, 6:30PM
1.  Burren, Amy             F    13:57    PB 0:21
2.  Montag, Jemima          F    14:07.83 New Victorian records for U14 and U15
3.  Swan, Kyle              M    14:38    PB 0:17, new VRWC U13 club record
4.  Garganis, Adam          M    15:08
5.  McShanag, Connor        M    15:23
6.  Campbell, Caitlin       F    15:24    PB 0:10
7.  Irshad, Jasmine         F    15:26    PB 0:20
8.  Sanders, Jade           F    15:31
9.  Wallace, Anna           F    18:26

The 1500m walk was a huge event with 22 starters. Jason Kozica stormed through to a big PB of 6:34.9 and James Burren was also in fine form, recording a PB of 7:46.9. We welcomed some walkers for the first time to VRWC races – Taylor Langford, Eliza Clarke and Zara Irshad.

1500m Walk, 7:10PM
1.  Kozica, Jason           M     6:34.9   PB
2.  Irshad, Kylie           F     7:18.8
3.  Owen, Cooper            M     7:20.8
4.  Collis, Lauren          F     7:44.1
5.  Taylor, Michael         M     7:45.7   
6.  Burren, James           M     7:46.9   PB 0:23
7.  Collis, Hugh            M     8:30.5
8.  Bertrand, Georgia       F     8:31.5
9.  Henderson, Rebecca      F     8:31.9
10. Owen-Smith, Chelsea     F     8:33.3
11. Bertrand, Carly         F     8:48.8
12. Barbour, Beth           F     8:52.0
13. Evans, Liam             M     9:08.1
14. Langford, Taylor        F     9:16.6   First time
15. Clarke, Eliza           F     9:22.2   First time
16. Campbell, Rebecca       F     9:31.0
17. Collis, Bede            F    10:20.7
18. Collis, Frances         F    10:29.5
19. Evans, Freya            F    11:22.9
20. Laufer, Beatrice        F    11:28.0
21. Irshad, Zara            F    12:09.8   First time
    Brazier, Emmett         M    DQ

Our final event was the annual AMA 4x800m relay which is contested in each State around this time. Alas, we continue to be disappointed by the poor numbers in this event. Remember, if you don't support it, you are likely to lose it. The eight of us who did walk had a great time but it would have been nice to have more teams on the track.

AMA 4x800m Relay, 7:25PM
M50   1   15:15    Tim Erickson, Paul Kennedy, Simon Baker, Clyde Riddoch
M60   1   18:16    Bob Gardiner, Russ Dickenson, Llew Jenkins, Ralph Bennett

Thanks as usual to the many judges and officials who made themselves available to ensure the meet ran smoothly.

Officials: Tim Erickson, Shane Bertrand, Matt Owen, Damien Elms, Jason Elms, Alan Minter
Judges: Peter Vysma (Chief), Judy Mason, Michael Bodey, Alan Lucas, Stuart Cooper
Photos: Terry Swan
Checkin: Tim Erickson


Our VRWC summer season continued last Sunday with further roadwalks at our headquarters in Middle Park. Peter Vysma tells me that the weather was sunny with a light wind and it was getting hot towards the end of the 20km. We were surprised at the number of walkers (60 in total), considering the AV interclub competition was held as evening sessions starting at 4.00pm on the Saturday. As usual, we had our large complement of officials and judges in attendance and Terry Swan was busy with the camera and has uploaded a fine selection of shots to http://www.vrwc.org.au/coppermine/.

The first events to kick off were the 20km, 15km and 10km events. Top 20km performer was Simon Evans who was just a minute outside his best in the 20km with a good 1:52:23. In the 15km, we saw top efforts from Michelle Laufer (a 3 min PB and a new W40+ VRWC club record time of 1:23:58) and 15 year old Lucas Taylor (a new VRWC U16 club record with his inaugural time of 12:26:50). In the 10km races, Kelly Ruddick and Andrew Jamieson showed fine form to win with 49:07 and 51:33 respectively. Caitlin Campbell was another to do well with her 3 sec PB time of 56:59. We also welcomed first timer Gunther Ilgoutz who competed in the 10km event.

20km Open
1. Simon Evans            1:52:23
2. Terry O'Neill          2:08:06
3. Karyn O'Neill          2:26:19
4. Steve Jordan           2:37:14

15km Open
1. Michelle Laufer        1:23:58    PB 2:55, new W40 club record
2. Lucas Taylor           1:26:50    First ever, new U16 club record
3. Clarrie Jack           1:33:21

10km Open
1. Kelly Ruddick            49:07
2. Amelia Finnegan          53:41
3. Pam Tindal               53:54
4. Caitlin Campbell         56:59    PB 0:03
5. Heather Carr             58:02
6. Donna Elms             1:08:09
   Jmara Hockley-Samon        DNF    6km - 34.36

1. Andrew Jamieson          51:33
2. Mark Donahoo             51:56
3. Ralph Bennett            59:40
4. Gunther Ilgoutz        1:13:52
5. Gary Turner            1:19:07
   Russ Dickenson             DNF    5km - 30.16

In the shorter Open and U15 events, we also welcomed another first timer in well known runner Gerry Sofianos who walked excellently to win the 3km Open with 20:18. Others to do well included Sarah Burren (28:40 for 5km), Billy Allamby (26:16 for 5km), Kyle Swan (15:17 for U15 3km) and Kobie Somerfield (16:45 for U15 3km).

5km Open
1. Sarah Burren             28:40
2. Cassandra Raselli        28:51
3. Celia Johnson            35:09
4. Simone O'Neill           36:01
   Rebecca Campbell           DNF    3km - 20.34
   Stephanie George           DNF
   Chloe McNicol-Davidson     DNF    3km - 20.09

1. Billy Allamby            26:16
2. Connor McShanag          28:24
3. Josh Kaiser              28:51
4. Kyle Bird                29:41
5. Anand Thillaisundaram    32:01
6. Geoff Barrow             33:11
   Josh Dillon                 DQ

3km Open
1. Gerry Sofianos           20:18
2. Gordon Onley             26:08
3. Kelly Davidson           26:39
4. Pam Mews                 29:48

3km U15
1. Kobie Somerfield         16:45
2. Jasmine Irshad           16:53
3. Emily Swan               18:14
4. Stacey McLaren           20:29

1. Kyle Swan                15:17
2. Cody McNicol-Davidson    22:51

Billy Allamby, Connor McShanag, Kyle Swan, Stephanie George, Sarah Burren, Kobie Somerfield, Simon Evans
and Amelia Finnegan

Our U12 walks saw strong fields with James Burren 10:44 ( a 48 sec PB) and Hayley George 10:45 (just 1 sec outside her PB) in fine form. We also welcomed first time VRWC walker Aaron Leferirik. In the U9 walk, Mercedes Brennan was the fastest with 6:26 and she then walked a second lap to finish with 13:31 – well done Mercedes.

2km U12
1. Hayley George            10:45
2. Jessica Lillie           12:01
3. Brianna Lillie           12:24
4. Rebecca Henderson        13:04
5. Tegan Miller             13:20
6. Lee Taylor               13:34

1. James Burren             10:44    PB 0:48
2. Lachlan Feain            12:09
3. Joseph Rickard           12:50
4. Ethan Wright             13:08
5. Liam Evans               13:13
6. Aaron Leferirik          16:47
   Jonty Brennan               DQ

1km U9
1. Mercedes Brennan          6:26    13:31
2. Gemma Lillie              7:09   
3. Freya Evans               7:43

Finally Thanks to all our officials and helpers. Sorry if I missed anyone – we really appreciate your help every week.

Setup: Harry Summers, Peter Vysma
Judges: Peter Vysma (Chief), Gordon Loughnan, Lloyd Nichols, Graham George
Officials: Mark Donahoo, Damien Elms, Michael Bodey, Stuart Cooper
Drinks Table: Susan Taylor
Canteen: Marlaine Stanway, Wendy Cooper
Photos: Terry Swan


The VRWC summer season got back underway after the Christmas breaks with roadwalks at our headquarters at Middle Park in Melbourne. As expected, numbers were low (30 walkers in total) due to many people away on walks camps or on holidays. The weather was kind to those who raced, with only a couple of light showers.

The U9 and U12 walkers were in good form with Ballarat sisters Alanna and Jemma Peart taking the honours ahead of local Melbourne walkers Mercedes Brennan and Rebecca Henderson. Terry O'Neill was the most adventurous of the starters, testing himself out over 20km (2:06:18). Others to do well were Aaron McDonough (1:23:28 for 15km), Mark Donahoo (54:48 for 10km) and Pam Tindal (55:09 for 10km).

1km Under 9
1. Alanna Peart              6:05
2. Mercedes Brennan          6:12
3. Gemma Lillie              7:29

2km Under 12
1. Jemma Peart              11:34
2. Rebecca Henderson        12:45
3. Jessica Lillie           12:57
4. Brianna Lillie           12:58
5. Leah Wright              16:32
6. Ethan Wright             13:35
7. Lachlan Feain            13:41
   Jonty Brennan               DQ

3km Under 15
1. Stacey McLaren           22:06

3km Open
1. Gwen Steed               20:19
2. Margaret Beaumont        24:54
   Gordon Onley                DQ

5km Open
1. Sandra Geisler           28:50
2. David Armstrong          29:27
3. Russ Dickenson           29:34
4. Geoff Barrow             33:29
5. Barrie Wicks             38:14

10km Open
1. Mark Donahoo             54:48
2. Pam Tindal               55:09
3. Kirstin Shaw           1:01:49
4. Robyn Shaw             1:07:41
5. Donna Elms             1:09:04
   Amelia Finnegan            DNF    28:46 for 5km
   Bradley Simpson            DNF    21:36 for 4km

15km Open
1. Aaron McDonough        1:23:28
2. Karen O'Neill          1:47:51

20km Open
1. Terry O'Neill          2:06:18

Course Setup: Peter Vysma, Bob Gardiner, Pam Tindal, Harry Summers
Officials: Tony Doran, Mark Donahoo, Harry Summers, Damien Elms, Don McLaren
Judges: Peter Vysma, Michael Bodey
Canteen: Marlaine Stanway


Our VRWC track races at Clifton Hill saw a small group of walkers take the opportunity for an extra race in the leadup to Christmas (or two extra races in the case of Pam Tindal). Our three winners were Mark Donahoo (24:57 for 5000m), Kyle Swan (14:55 for 3000m) and Michelle Laufer (7:21.7 for 1500m). Special mentions to Kyle Swan whose time was a big PB and a new U13 club record, Lee Taylor whose 1500m time of 9:24.2 was a 14 sec PB and to Beatrice Laufer who walked her first ever 3000m in fine style.
5000m Walk
1.  Donahoo, Mark      24:57
2.  Kennedy, Paul      25:27
3.  Tindal, Pam        25:38
4.  McShanag, Connor   29:25
5.  Elms, Donna        30:33
6.  Shaw, Robyn        31:09
7.  Shaw, Kirstin      33:39
3000m Walk
1.  Swan, Kyle         14:55    PB 0:14
2.  Gardiner, Bob      19:29
3.  Laufer, Beatrice   23:34    First one
1500m Walk
1.  Laufer, Michelle    7:21.7
2.  Tindal, Pam         7:31.3
3.  Collis, Lauren      7:48.8
4.  Burgess, Liam       7:55.5
5.  Collis, Hugh        8:42.3
6.  Laufer, Josephine   9:10.3
7.  Taylor, Lee         9:24.2    PB 0:14
8.  Collis, Frances    11:01.2
9.  Collis, Bede       11:07.2
10. Kennedy, Tom       14:11.5

Thanks to our officials and judges – sorry if I missed anyone.

Officials: Tim Erickson, Jason Elms, Susan Taylor
Judges: Peter Vysma (chief), Judy Mason, Damien Elms, Michael Bodey
Photos: Terry Swan
Water Table: Pauline McShanag


After such a wet Saturday, Sunday turned on superb racing weather at Middle Park as the 42 walkers in attendance competed in our Summer championships. With the top end of our usual course under water, we were reduced to the 1km loop at the bottom section but that is a fast course and overall times were good.

The 20km events kicked off at 8:30AM and former NZ Olympian Scott Nelson showed the way with a superb performance, racing at 5mins per km pace throughout the middle sections of the race and only slowing in his final 3km. His final time of 1:40:05 saw him just under 5 minutes clear of M65 legend Andrew Jamieson whose time of 1:44:50 was second to none. Simon Evans was the other gun performer, beating his PB by nearly 5 minutes with an excellent 1:51:31. It was good to see 8 competitors attacking such a long distance.
20km Men Club Championship – Gus Theobold Trophy
1. Scott Nelson         49:24    1:40:05     
2. Andrew Jamieson      50:33    1:44:50     
3. Simon Evans          56:07    1:51:31    PB 4:41
4. Rudolf Skrucany    1:10:13    2:29:58     
5. Steve Jordan       1:14:20    2:31:59     
Open 20km
1. Michelle Thompson    59:05    2:02:29
Our 10km races started at 9:30AM and Mark Donahoo and Pam Tindal walked side by side the whole way to finish in 53:19 and 53:20 respectively, Pam winning our annual Heather Carr Trophy for her efforts. Michelle Laufer continued her wonderful summer with yet another PB, this time recording 53:38. Amanda Heard was another to shine in this event, her time of 58:31 a PB by nearly 2 minutes. And well done to Ebony Whiley who walked here first ever 10km with 1:02:35.

10km Masters Women Club Championship – Heather Carr Trophy
1. Pam Tindal           53:20     
Open 10km
1. Mark Donahoo         53:19     
2. Michelle Laufer      53:38    PB 0:44
3. Amanda Heard         58:31    PB 1:52
4. Caitlin Campbell   1:01:26     
5. Ebony Whiley       1:02:35    First ever
6. Gary Turner        1:20:51     
The 5km and 3km walks started at 10:30AM and it was Jemima Montag who stormed to the lead, winning the U15 3km Club Championship in 14:06, a new U14 3km Road Walk club record. Behind her Jade Sanders 16:28 and Shelby Kay 17:30 took the minor club championship medals while Lucas Taylor took gold in the U20 5km club championship with 26:31. Special mentions also to Sarah Brennan of Ballarat who walked excellently for a 20 sec PB with her 5km time of 27:50 and to Philippa Huse whose 3km time of 18:14 was a 39 sec PB. Philippa's mum and dad also had their first walks with us, recording 20:06 and 20:53 in impressive styles.  Finally, it was great to see Gordon Onley back at the club after such a major health scare – he had a sedate stroll in the Open 3km, finishing with 26:32.

5km U20 Club Championship
1. Lucas Taylor         26:31
5km Open
1. Sarah Brennan        27:50    PB 0:20
2. Russ Dickenson       29:22     
3. Terry O'Neill        29:52     
4. Donna Elms           31:15     
5. Robyn Shaw           31:50     
6. Celia Johnson        34:27     
7. Karyn O'Neill        35:26     
8. Simone O'Neill       35:26     
9. Tony Doran           35:57     
3km U15 Club Championship
1. Jemima Montag        14:16    PB 0:06
2. Jade Sanders         16:28     
3. Shelby Kay           17:30     
4. Philippa Huse        18:14    PB 0:39
5. Stacey McLaren       20:32     
   Kyle Swan            DQ     
3km Open
1. Alan Huse            20:06    First Ever
2. Cathy Huse           20:53    First Ever
3. Jake Oliva           22:28    PB 1:11
4. Ian Beaumont         24:34     
5. Margaret Beaumont    24:44     
6. Gordon Onley         26:32     
7. Pam Mews             31:45     
The U12 and U9 1.5km club championships were the last events to kick off but, due to a major Little Athletics Clash, numbers were down overall. However, that does not detract from the efforts of our medallists who all walked well. We also welcomed Joseph and Thomas Rickard to the club for the first time and they took the minor medals in the U12 championship.

1.5km U12 Club Championship
1. Jonty Brennan        08:33    PB 0:19
2. Joseph Rickard       08:37    First time with us
3. Thomas Rickard       09:53    First time with us
1. Hayley George        08:07     
2. Rebecca Henderson    08:38     
1.5km U9 Club Championship
1. Mercedes Brennan     10:38     
Thanks as usual to the many people who keep the show in the road. We could not do it without you.

Officials: Tim Erickson, Bob Gardiner, Ian Laurie, Don McLaren, Damien Elms, Justin McLaren (Bike)
Judges: Stuart Cooper (Chief), Lloyd Nichols, Ralph Bennett
Canteen: Kate Suich, Wendy Cooper, Marlaine Stanway
Photos:  Terry Swan, Jim Leppik


Last Sunday saw our summer season opening races at Middle Park but unfortunately we had plenty of opposition on various walking fronts so our numbers were down, only 36 in total. However we still saw some excellent performances in the just about perfect racing conditions.

The day opened at 8:30AM with our longer events and it was the 20km walkers who showed the way. Visiting NSW walker Ian Rayson showed his class, recording a 31 sec PB with his time of 1:25:59. Scott Nelson, former NZ Olympic walker, was next in with 1:46:08 and he looks a sure bet at this stage for selection in the NZ team for next February's Aust vs NZ match race. Simon Evans carried on from his recent Victorian 50km championship win with a good 1:56:12 while Michelle Thompson was just a few secs outside her PB with her time of 1:58:51. Mark Donahoo 1:25:47 took the honours in the 15km event while Pam Tindal 54:50 and Jmara Hockley-Samon 56:13 (just a couple of secs outside her PB) were the best in the 10km events.

20km Open Walk
1. Rayson, Ian            M    43:13    1:25:59    PB 0:31
2. Nelson, Scott          M    51:36    1:46:08
3. Evans, Simon           M    54:42    1:56:12
4. Thompson, Michelle     F    57:54    1:58:51

15km Open Walk
1. Donahoo, Mark          M    56:19    1:25:47
2. Skrucany, Rudolf       M    73:27    1:54:31

10km Open Walk
1. Tindal, Pam            F    54:50
2. Hockley-Samon, Jmara   F    56:13
3. Carr, Heather          F    59:55
4. Jack, Clarrie          M    60:24
5. Dickenson, Russ        M    63:59
6. Elms, Donna            F    68:00
7. O'Neill, Karyn         F    69:38
   O'Neill, Terry         M    DNF

The 5km and 3km walkers started at 9:30AM with Nathan Brill the standout, his time of 21:43 only just outside his PB. Lucas Taylor 15:47 and Kyle Swan 16:07 were the best of the 3km walkers. We welcomed first time walker Jake Oliva and he will soon improve on his inaugural 3km time of 23:39.

5km Open Walk
1. Brill, Nathan          M    21:43
2. Erickson, Tim          M    28:03
3. Lucas, Alan            M    29:10
4. Gardiner, Bob          M    32:34
5. Summers, Harry         M    34:47
6. Johnson, Celia         F    35:10
   Irshad, Jasmine        F    DNF

3km Open Walk
1. Taylor, Lucas          M    15:47
2. Doran, Anthony         M    19:22
   McShanag, Connor       M    DNF

3km Under 15 Walk
1. Swan, Kyle             M    16:07
2. Sanders, Jade          F    16:43
3. Swan, Emily            F    18:53
4. Tremigliozzi, Paul     M    19:36
5. McLaren, Stacey        F    21:29
6. Oliva, Jake            M    23:39

Our final races were for the Under 12 and Under 9 walkers and we witnessed a great battle between Hayley George and Jonty Brennan. Unfortunately, Jonty probably just tried too hard and the red cards caught him out, leaving Hayley to win with a very quick 11:07. Caine Brill was the best U9 with his time of 5:49.

2km Under 12 Walk
1. George, Hayley         F    11:07
2. Brill, Justin          M    12:17
3. Taylor, Lee            F    13:33
   Brennan, Jonty         M    DQ

1km Under 9 Walk
1. Brill, Caine           M    05:49
2. Brennan, Mercedes      F    06:27

As usual, thanks to the many people who keep the show on the road. It takes a lot of help to run a sporting carnival such as this.

Officials: Tim Erickson, Bob Gardiner, Harry Summers, Ian Laurie, Susan Taylor, Don McLaren, Justin McLaren, Damien Elms
Course Setup: Tim Erickson, Harry Summers, Bob Gardiner
Judges: Peter Vysma (Chief), Gordon Loughnan, Lloyd Nichols, Stuart Cooper, Ralph Bennett
Photos: Terry Swan