
The Victorian Race Walking Club

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Runners World Melbourne - VRWC Sponsor

1956 Olympic Games Reflections


Australia hosted its second Olympic Games in 2000 in Sydney and it was a wonderful success. But let's not forget the first occasion in 1956 when Melbourne hosted the XVIth Olympiad. Although this was 50 years ago, the memories are still fresh in the minds of many Melbournians and the following sites reflect on the 1956 Games, including the 2 racewalking events - the mens 20 km and the mens 50 km.

A huge Victorian Government photographic archive is to be found at http://wiki.prov.vic.gov.au/index.php/1956_Olympics_Photograph_Index

The 1956 Official Olympic Games Report (from the LOC): http://olympic-museum.de/o-reports/olympic-games-official-report-1956.php

Apart from this official archive, we have our own unofficial VRWC archive of photos and information compliments of Ray Smith who represented Australia in the 50 km walk and finished in a fine sixth place.

1956 Course Map - Marathon and 50km Walk

The 1956 Olympic 20 km Trial - find out who made the Games Team and why

The 1956 Olympic 50 km Trial - find out who made the Games Team and why

Photos and report from the 1956 Olympic 20 km racewalk

Photos and report from the 1956 Olympic 50 km racewalk

Full results from the Olympic 20km Walk

Full results from the Olympic 50km Walk

Badges from the various participating countries

Assorted Memorabilia

Some special snippets from Ray Smith's perspective as a competitor in the 50 km racewalk event.

Miscellaneous Photos from Around the Traps

Fifty Years Later - 2006 Remembers the Melbourne Games

Walkers hold up the Olympic bank

The Olympic Village in West Heidelberg - an aerial view

A postcard showing scenes of Melbourne

An Olympic Postcard from the Melbourne Olympics