
The Victorian Race Walking Club

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VRWC Specific Pages

The Rules of Racewalking

Records Records Records

Supporting the 50km

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VRWC Results

Other Walking Sites

Runners World Melbourne - VRWC Sponsor

VRWC Life Member - Elsie Jacobson


The wife of life member Charlie Jacobson, Elsie was a tireless worker for the club. She was Social Secretary for nearly 20 years from 1963 to 1980. She was always to be seen in the clubroom kitchen on race days and instituted the famous 10 cent cup of tea.

She was involved in the club in many different ways. She worked with the other ladies of the club to organise social and fundraising functions. She was an able typist and did most of the club typing, including the Annual Reports. She even did a stint as club Treasurer in 1982 as one of her last contributions to the club.

She was awarded life membership in 1975.