Over the years, I have written and published a large number of articles about our many walking champions, both Australian and International. Many of these have been published in either the Victorian Race Walking Club newsletter 'Heel & Toe' or in the Australian Centurions newsletter "Centurion Foot Notes".
Other articles have been written out of my own personal interest and have never seen the wider light of public scrutiny.
In 2006, I decided to reproduce them here, all in one place, as an aid to the many people who wish to review or read any of the biographies.
I have also included some articles from other sources, that may be of general interest to the walking enthusiast.
Since then, I have gradually added further archival sections to this website so that it now incorporates much of my own personal collection as well as items from the collections of the Victorian Race Walking Club and Racewalking Australia.
Please advise me of any errors or omissions. All efforts have been taken to ensure that the information contained therein is correct but, especially for walkers from past eras, there are likely to be inadvertant mistakes.
Enjoy the read
Melbourne (Australia)