56th LBG Carnival – Volunteers/Officials Registration

Volunteers and Officials

The number of Volunteers and Officials is vital to the successful operation of the carnival. Clubs/States WILL BE EXPECTED to provide volunteers based on the number of club entrants. The positions needed to be filled include: start line coordinator/assistant, lap scorers, timekeepers, judges, finish line marshals, finish line recorders and general volunteers.

Please help us make the 56th ANNUAL LAKE BURLEY GRIFFIN WALKING CARNIVAL [ 2023 ] a well run, enjoyable and successful event by volunteering to help in a non-technical or general assistance role.

Your help can be for the duration of the competition or for just part of the day.

See who has already used this form to register as a volunteer – comments made on the form by volunteers will not be displayed in this list but will be made available to organisers.

Registration as an Official or Volunteer

Please register your interest in volunteering by completing and submitting the form below. We will advise your racewalking State/Club Secretary/Coordinator, but you may also register your interest through them.

Phone numbers will not be made public nor be used other than for LBG Carnival internal purposes and Health Department contact tracing
Please add any qualification or experience you might have for the more technical roles.
